What is Community Canvas?
Community Canvas is a collaborative painting station that I offer at certain events. It gives people the opportunity to paint what they like, for as long as they wish. Participants can choose from a variety of brushes and colours in acrylic paint. Community Canvas is a fantastic artistic expression and is appropriate for all ages, all levels, even for those who don't identify as being an artist.
Community Canvas is a continuous project I'm working on and can be seen at a variety of events, such as my art shows, birthday parties and festivals. Community Canvas is a free experience - no one has to pay to use any of the supplies. There is an optional donation jar if you wish to express your gratitude. During Community Canvas, I often document the process as it unfolds. I do this by taking photos and videos of those who are painting, with permission from those individuals. I then photograph the finished painting, and I share them on my blog here with you.

Community Canvas offers everyone something different. It is a great way to bring people together, to offer accessible art supplies for those who may not have their own, and is a door that can open many possibilities. From my personal experience, it's a great icebreaker for meeting and connecting with people, and is especially lovely for families. People come and go as they please, some stay for hours, some only trying it for a few minutes. People can add to what is already painted, or start a new section of their own. Sometimes I come back and look at what I painted earlier, and someone has changed it in their own unique way.
Currently, I have enough supplies to continue Community Canvas. This is due to the many generous people that have donated their art supplies, such as paints, brushes and canvases. I already have an abundance of my own supplies, so I thought it would be great for others to use them in a creative and comfortable environment. If you or someone you know have any items you would like to donate to Community Canvas, click here to send me a message.

What's Next?
Community Canvas will continue going to a variety of events throughout the upcoming years. Eventually, I would like to have an art show that highlights the painting and participants. Everyone who painted on a Community Canvas would be invited as an artist. I feel this would be a great opportunity to strengthen the community, celebrate the arts, and remember people, collaborations and connections that happened during these events.
Photography by Kas Rea Visual Arts and Patricio Del Rio. All rights reserved. 2020
That's it for now! I'd love to hear your thoughts below in the comment section and feel free to check out my new Youtube channel! To stay in touch, sign up below for my artist newsletter. Thank you for reading, I'm so glad you're here.
Much love,
